Five Two Tabby Kittens

These two are from a litter of five sweet little tabby kittens which were pulled from a back room at a county holding facility filled to capacity.  They are very comfortable being handled, and are eager for attention.  They are all very playful, of course.  They are already litter box trained. They have been checked by a vet, tested for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia (FeLuk), neutered, have a micro-chip implanted, are up to date on vaccinations, and have been treated for fleas and other parasites.

For more info contact Leon, (321)301-5444, <>.

Weights, Treatments, Notes
Aug. 15, 2014 Estimated date of birth based on weights when rescued. mom cat
Sept. 13, 2014 Entered Brevard County animal control.   Weights around 1 lb. unknown dumper
Sept. 13, 2014 FVRCP vaccination, Strongid-T 0.2cc, Marquis Paste 0.2cc. NACC staff
Sept. 13, 2014 Taken into foster care.  Appeared in good health. Leon S
Sept. 24, 2014 Began treating with Marquis Paste 0.1cc and Panacur 1/4cc once per day. Leon S
Sept. 26, 2014 Discontinued Marquis Paste after 2nd dose.
Continued treating with Panacur 1/4cc per day.
Leon S
Sept. 29, 2014 Discontinued Panacur on 5th day. Leon S
Oct. 3, 2014 Marquis Paste 0.2cc, Panacur, Capstar 1/4 pill. Leon S
Oct. 8, 2014 Neutered, FVRCP (distemper) booster vaccinations,
combo tested (all neg), fecal tested (all neg), micro-chipped.
Dr. Burton,
Tina B.
Oct. 18, 2014 Panacur 1.0cc. Leon S
Oct. 19, 2014 Panacur 1.0cc. Leon S
Nov. 3, 2014 Strongid, Marquis Paste 0.2cc. Leon S
Nov. 11, 2014 Marquis Paste 0.2cc. Leon S

Microchip Info
Grayer Tabby Chip #: 985 112 004 272 528 Tina, Oct. 8, 2014, HomeAgain Tracking Service.
Browner Tabby Chip #: 985 112 004 284 249 Tina, Oct. 8, 2014, HomeAgain Tracking Service.
