(copied from [BrevardAnimalServices.com/enforcement_statistics Creation 2009.htm])

Raw 2009 Data From Brevard County Animal Servies & Enforcement Web Site

(latest available as of August, 2010)
 INTAKES Cat Dog Ferret Kitten Puppy Other
Confiscate 59 287 0 15 37 31
Disp. Req 65 77 1 11 5 29
Euth. Req 236 391 6 16 14 34
Foster 425 275 0 629 112 7
Owner Surrender 1267 821 18 734 145 197
Return 41 40 1 35 9 0
Stray 4219 2631 19 2356 327 193
Transfer 37 28 0 22 25 7
Wild 7 0 0 0 0 403
 OUTCOMES Cat Dog Ferret Kitten Other Puppy
Adoption 769 749 18 541 161 180
Died 60 28 0 110 15 9
Disposal 391 195 1 60 173 21
Escaped 29 8 0 2 3 1
Euthanized 3969 1838 13 1688 342 113
Foster 404 282 0 900 14 143
Relocate 2 1 0 0 9 0
Rescue 476 301 7 381 111 117
RTO 171 1116 2 14 18 45
Transfer 77 55 1 28 52 20


  • Emphasis added to 'Euthanized' row.  The original table on the BASE web site places no particular importance on this horrifying row of numbers.
  • Note deceptive formatting of data
    • Kittens and puppies listed separately, which is good, but no total numbers for felines and canines, obscuring total numbers of cats and dogs handled.
    • lack of totals for outcomes, particularly euthanasia, which obscures total number of animals killed.
    • By sorting columns alphabetically by label, two additional colums separate cats from kittens, three columns separate dogs from puppies, increasing the difficulty of  mentally adding up the numbers by species.
    • Oddly, the 'Other' and 'Puppy' columns are swapped in the 'Intakes' table, compared to the 'Outcomes' table.
  • The original table on the BASE web site looks quite different in web browsers other than Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Reformatted BASE 2009 Data

(same numbers, rearranged slightly for clarity)
INTAKES Cat Kitten Dog Puppy Ferret Other Totals PercentsINTAKES
Confiscate 59 15 287 37 0 31 429 3%Confiscate
Disp. Req 65 11 77 5 1 29 188 1%Disp. Req
Euth. Req 236 16 391 14 6 34 697 4%Euth. Req
Foster 425 629 275 112 0 7 1,448 9%Foster
Surrendered 1,267 734 821 145 18 197 3,182 19%Surrendered
Return 41 35 40 9 1 0 126 1%Return
Stray 4,219 2,356 2,631 327 19 193 9,745 60%Stray
Transfer 37 22 28 25 0 7 119 1%Transfer
Wild 7 0 0 0 0 403 410 3%Wild

Totals 6,356 3,818 4,550 674 45 901 16,344 100% Totals
OUTCOMES Cat Kitten Dog Puppy Ferret Other Totals Percents OUTCOMES
Adoption 769 541 749 180 18 161
2,418 18% Adoption
Died 60 110 28 9 0 15
222 2% Died
Disposal 391 60 195 21 1 173
841 6% Disposal
Escaped 29 2 8 1 0 3
43 0% Escaped
Euthanized 3,969 1,688 1,838 113 13 342 7,963 58% Euthanized
Foster 404 900 282 143 0 14 1,743 13% Foster
Relocate 2 0 1 0 0 9 12 0% Relocate
Rescue 476 381 301 117 7 111 1,393 10% Rescue
RTO 171 14 1,116 45 2 18 1,366 10% RTO
Transfer 77 28 55 20 1 52 233 2% Transfer
Totals 5,579 3,183 3,824 469 24 737 13,816 100% Totals


  • Emphasis added to 'Euthanized' row.  The original table on the BASE web site places no particular importance on this horrifying row of numbers.
  • Cats & kittens, dogs & puppies are grouped together making it easy to see their numbers as belonging to the same species.
  • Totals row & column, and percentages column have been added to help reader see the big picture.
